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Need help with buttons

I finished my website but I edited it so it would look nice and yes I fixed the hostingmamnager problem. I edited it and then I had a problem. I had a line of buttons on top of the website and a line of buttons onthe side of the website. Does anyone know how I can remove the buttons. Cuz thee are 2 of each, one on the side and one on top. How do i remove a button?

Re: Need help with buttons

You just delete the code you added when you put it there.

But since you are asking, you are probably using some Wizard or Builder or WYSIWIG monstrosity that makes this difficult.

Without information about what you are using - or the URL - it is kind of hard to give answers that are relevant to your page.

Re: Need help with buttons

Hi Thomas,

I like to create my own site so I experiment with it a lot. One of the things I do when I'm confused about editing my site is to delete everything I added to the site back to the point that I started having that particular trouble. Then I start again with better effeciency so that I don't repeat the problem again.

It's enjoyable to me but sometimes it gets a little overwhelming.

Good luck,

Mike Helton

Re: Need help with buttons

Okay, I figured it out and yes I agree, it does take experimentation.