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I can't open up Manage Hosting

Wutever its called I can't get the Manage Hostings link to open up cuz I need to get to webhost wizard. I clicked on it but it couldnt get thru. Need help.

Re: I can't open up Manage Hosting

So what happened when you clicked on it?

The problem could be Bravenet
It could be your ISP
It could be the phone line connecting you to your ISP
It could be your PC

Re: I can't open up Manage Hosting

Well, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Like when it doesnt work, I click on it and the brwoser starts navigating and then stops and it can't go to the next destination (the page that shows the website wizard on it), when it does work and I click on it the browser navigates and then it goes through.