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Pic problems

My pics arent showing up!! For a while they were working fine but now they won't show up. I'm not even seeing a red x, they're just not there. When I go into the editor to see what the problem is it's showing me a broken pic icon where all the pics should be. At the time I don't have access to another computer to see if it's just my computer, but I've seen the pics before on this computer! I spent 83 dollars on a domain name and I want to be able to see my pics!!! Please help.

Re: Pic problems

Ok I just had my girlfriend check on her computer and shes seeing the red"X" which really ****** me off, for 83 bucks I should get better service then this, anybody know whats going on?

Re: Re: Pic problems

Check the spellings in your html code. Rememeber that callouts are case sensitive.

Re: Re: Pic problems

Web file names should be alphanumeric. Rename your image files to get rid of the + in the name and that should fix your problem.

Re: Pic problems

thanks alot, im not at my pc right now but Ill definitly try that. the weird thing is though that they used to work but when I upgraded and paid for my domain name they suddenly disapeared

Re: Re: Re: Pic problems

Problem included names that were syntactically OK as well as those.

Re: Pic problems

ok i changed the names and got rid of the spaces and its still not working. now i cant even put a pic on the web-page, I upload the pic and click on it but it doesnt take me to the page that asks me if i want to use this pick! If this keeps up is there any way I can get a refund on my domain name and just go back to the free service?

Re: Pic problems

Ok this yoyo ride is really getting annoying, now all of my pics are working (except for 2) but I still cant use any new pics i up load

Re: Pic problems

ok my pics that were already on my site are now working but now I can'tuse any new pics. I can upload them but when I click to select them nothing happens, it doesnt take me to the page that asks me if i want to use this image!!!!! Please help!!!