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Right now I haven't bought the proffessional hosting yet, but I do want to ask the questions. First of all, what are the subdomains about? Are they just other pages on your site, or are they sites in themselves that you can give out. Also, is it possible to give e-mail addresses to other people?


Browser: mangudai1265,2

Re: Subdomains

Main domain: or


I have over 1000 pages on my main domain and another hundred pages on a different subject on a subdomain

Re: Subdomains

Yes, but can you let others use a subdomain?

Browser: mangudai1265,2

Re: Subdomains

the subdomains are like other pages on your website. for eg: and on that page you hav links to other pages in your site, they will have this subdomain http://link1..html
the domain is your home page and any other pages u want have subdomain ( insteed of (

Re: Subdomains

You could let others have a sub domain--It will take some learning on how to do everything. I would suggest not rushing.

But with the PRO Hosting we do get up to 200 sub domains and we have 100 FTP accounts that we can use.

I know by shere implication that these two things ADD up to the ability of creating a subdomain for someone and letting them build by way of giving them an FTP account... HOW to do that is beyond my skill set at this time... And what level of "Access" your users MIGHT have to all the subdomins and your main site is ALSO something I know nothing about...

I just know that it would be possible for me to tell my Mom that I made her a subdomain at and give her the ability to upload her info to with the FTP. My mom would not abuse this and change my website--less it was a mistake--but strangers might if able. So you need to figure out if that is what you need...or if there are other ways to make it secure.

One other issue comes to my mind and that is the band-width and the usage. I have several subs and never even dent my bandwith allowance but my site does do too many special things so if there were 200 Subs and all were for downloading music it could get really used up!
