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I Dare You

This is an awesome site.So I thought it deserves to be posted on.So check it out & leave your comments on the guestbook.

Browser: ,3

Re: I Dare You

What's this site about?? Wasted space??

Re: I Dare You

I looked all over for the "awesome" part. Never did find it...

Re: I Dare You

lol i agree. needs work. actually better still, scap the website and start again aye?! ;)

Re: I Dare You

I thought it was a wounderful site. Very eye catching. Great poems & stories to read. Nice & informative entertanment page. I like the pic with the discription of entertanment. Very well done & have bookmarked Ur site. Will be adding to my link page. TY! for taking time to make such a wounderfull site.

Re: I Dare You

well, now that you mention it, there was entertainment to be found, if one has an open mind. I especially liked the line in one of the poems;
"even my world is cold,
I need your comfart..."


Re: I Dare You

Not sure if awesome is the first word that springs to mind when i talk about your site. Never mind.

Re: I Dare You

first of all..this isnt my site.So its no point putting your comments here,because I am not the creator.I suggest you sign her guestbook & give your piece of mind. I like this site becuase I find it great.And thats my opinion.If you have read "about me" page,then you'd see how old she is.I think this site is great for someone who is at that age.I mean..what did you expect...a professional site?With interesting topics & stuff?I mean not everyone has the same type of entertainment.Her type of entertainment is by writing & expressing herself.And I bet that even some adults who have a site isn't as good as hers.

If you like it then fine,if you don't like,thats fine too.But its not a wasted space.Every site is creative in its own way.Not everyone appreciates the same thing,so why call one site wasted spcae & another not?

Browser: ,3

Re: I Dare You

U stated an excelent point Dare Devil. I think she had done a wounderful job. I know my site probably isn't the greatest but its MY site not theirs. If someone don't like it, state what they didn't like, state what they did, give a considerate suggestion, then move on to the next. I don't ask for peeps to like it or not, just take a look if U want, or don't. What counts is I like it & its all mine. My point is each site has its own character for each person who made it. Thats what makes looking so interesting.

There are some qualities a site must hold & thats ease of navigating (no lost links), functionality (content serving the purpose the creator intended), & eye pleasing (no over laping of images or html misshaps). So with that said, she had no quality problems with her site & I liked the content. As for opinions, they are just that, one persons opinion. When giving Ur opinion give an idea that U used for Ur site or something U seen on someone elses.

Just be considerate, 'cuz everything U say & do will comes back to U 3 fold.

Re: I Dare You

Hey I got a site that might look like watsed space a first, but I think my site is okay. Not alot on it now. Just made it. Looks terrible in internet explorer though, but pretty good in Firefox. Go to the stories first.

Browser: sizzlemctwizzle,4