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FTP and Java Applet -- is there some other way to upload ?

Is there a different way to upload with the FTP then the Java Applet that I find in the FTP area?

I need to upload Phpbb but have to make some changes to one of the files before I Install and then install and change the file back.

I am having a difficult time because I cannot seem to figure out how to access the file to make the changes in the applett that I find in the FTP area.

This stuff is rather NEW to me so please beem me between the eyes if I am asking an Idiot Question then point me to the direction I need to go...Thank You!


Re: FTP and Java Applet -- is there some other way to upload ?

FTP really has only one purpose, and that is to transfer files. It has some cursory operations, like directory, rename, and delete but the main purpose is to move files. But that doesn't mean you are stuck with the FTP Applet. You can use just about any FTP application that you have hanging around.

There are some high end FTP programs, like the one built into Hummingbird's Exceed, that let you open a file in an editor. But what it is really doing is copying the file to a local temp area, opening the editor, and then copies it back when you close the editor. But most people don't need anything that complex and expensive.

Personally, I find the FTP Applet slow and it doesn't work reliably on some of my networks. But I find that Internet Explorer, in the FTP mode seems to work reliably everywhere. The advantage of using IE, is that it's fast, your window looks just like a file browser, and you can click and drag your files.

I have instructions on setting up, and using, IE on one of my help pages at Using FTP. The example uses the free FTP server, but it will work with any FTP server.

Re: FTP and Java Applet -- is there some other way to upload ?

Thanks Martin that is the info I am looking for!

Re: FTP and Java Applet -- is there some other way to upload ?

ALSO, you can just use the Upload Tool to move one or multiple files to the server. Like Martin, I think the FTP applet is slow to load.

Re: FTP and Java Applet -- is there some other way to upload ?

Just FYI, the Upload Tool is the FTP Applet. They renamed it several weeks ago.

Did they really?

I was talking about the File Manager where it says "upload file"

Re: FTP and Java Applet -- is there some other way to upload ?


I had not noticed the upload tool in the file manager!

I take it that you have uploaded there and had success?

I am soooo green with this FTP uploading stuff and have been using the file manager so I will go try over there!


Re: FTP and Java Applet -- is there some other way to upload ?

Yes, you can upload files from within the File Manager. However, you can only do it one file at a time. This is useful if you have only one quick file to upload. In fact, it's faster than using the Upload Tool (FTP Applet). But for a bunch of files, it would be very time consuming. With FTP, you can move an entire folder of files with one or two clicks.

Re: FTP and Java Applet -- is there some other way to upload ?

Just wanted to follow up and SAY THANKS to you guys here because I have been able to make my PhpBB Forum!

I had to learn a lot...First how to use the FTP and that I needed another application in order to do it the way I needed to...I found a FREE FTP application and it worked VERY well.

Then I had to learn a lot of things about databases and what that all means and what the correct things I needed to tell my Php Install and all that jazz...

Anyway I learned a whole bunch more this past week. My BRAIN Bandwidth is Currently MAXED out but tomorrow is a new allowance!

My PhpBB is working will except for some kind of email issue that according to Php Geeks (who are nice but not as nice as you guys here) My problem has to do with My Host so I have a support ticket in!

Anyway Thanks to all of you here who have helped my the past 5+/- months going from knowing NOTHING about making a website at all to this is impressive for an old lady like me and I never could have done this without all the helping hands along the way!


You are very welcome!

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