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Help Required moving a banner

Hi all,
First of all let me tell you that i am a complete begginer so be gentle with my and please dont get too technical..
I have been messing around with computers for about 10 years but have never got into building my own website until now.HTML is a new language but i am up for a challenge.
I have managed to get as far as building my basic site but i am having trouble transfering a banner from another site. I have the source code information in html language,i highlight it and i paste it into my website into the (body section of the source section) and then save it.
When i return to my site the banner is not there...
I hope this makes sense to you all and i would be gratefull of any help..

Re: Help Required moving a banner

A link to the page where you have added the banner would help us to figure out which of the many possible reasons is the cause of your problem.

Re: Help Required moving a banner

Hi Steven ,
I have put the website on this reply,(i hope this is of help)its in its early stages,looks pretty crap compared to yours,but hey i am just a newbie at this.
I have not learnt how or what links are all about so i am a bit lost on that one....
Thanks in anticipation
