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Ok my sites been down for days because when I renewed my site somehow they had to preform a transfer. Well low and behold the transfer never went through because I never recieved an email to confirm the transfer, and since my site is down so is my email so even if they wanted to send an email there is no account to recieve it.

Customer support here is completely uncaring. It takes days to get a response and the responses are often puposly useless and vague.

IS THERE ANYONE AT BRAVENET WHO TAKES PRIDE IN THEIR WORK? C'mon people you could be a great company because you offer a great product but you obviously don't care about supporting it beyond getting paid. It's shamefull.

Did you ask support to fix it for you?

If you had then it would have been fixed within a couple of days unless the problem is with the place where your domain is registered in which case it is the domain registrar who has stuffed you up and not Bravenet.