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Help using FTP

How do you use FTP? I need to upload a lot of pictures onto my website at Bravenet. I build my pages by writing my own html code in the editing pages of my file manager but the aggravating thing is that I am only allowed to upload one picture at a time. I have about 100 pictures that I need to upload and I think I should be doing it with FTP but when I try to use FTP, it only opens files that are already on my website. It doesn't open a browser window to my hard drive where my pictures are waiting to be downloaded. I feel so dumb about this. Can someone help me? Thanks! ---Barb

Re: Help using FTP

Nevermind! I figured it out myself! I am a happy girl! I discovered the FTP Java Applelet and I've already downloaded/uploaded - whichever - a couple of dozen pictures in a few minutes. It was easy.

Thanks anyway! :~) ---Barb