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Why does my website do this????

Whenever I have tried updating my site within the past few days, and go online to check it out, it comes back half updated, etc.

If I type in the Address bar or search engine, it comes up as a half complete website even though I published it to make my cahnges live!

If I type, without the www in front, it comes up complete and updated! What is up with this?!?

Am I missing something???

Thanks anyone who can give me some insight ~ Erin

Re: Why does my website do this????

Please give out website URL so we can see what you are talking about.

I cannot imagine why you would be having this trouble.

Re: Why does my website do this????

Here is the website, we are a nanny support group.

If you type in the above into the Adress bar, you get a half finished website with red leaves.

If you type in just without the www. in front, it comes finished and with blue leaves (like it is supposed to!)

Re: Re: Why does my website do this????

If you are getting different results between the page with www on the front and the one without then it is a cache problem on your computer since both point to exactly the same page on the web. Press CTRL-F5 to reload the page bypassing the cache.