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FORBIDDEN 403 showing up..and file is index

Ok...i have renamed my folder everything under the sun, then returned it to the original name of the index thing. But i keep getting that FORBIDDEN 403 ERROR thing. Except it saws in a line underneath that the owner has restricted this site. And i didn't. Please HELP!!

Re: FORBIDDEN 403 showing up..and file is index

you need to name your first page of your site
index.html and you then need to uploade your files place them in /public.html/index.html

Re: FORBIDDEN 403 showing up..and file is index

Go to the File Manager and make sure that you have a file named "index.html" or "index.htm". The name must be all lower case and spelled exactly. If it's named anything else, your basic URL will not work.

Re: FORBIDDEN 403 showing up..and file is index

Upon closely reading Samantha's question, I think that she is renaming her FOLDER instead of her home page. Samantha, just make sure your home page has the file extension "index.htm(l).