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Intro has to be name index.html?????????????

Is it possible for a intro to work without it named index.html???????

Re: Intro has to be name index.html?????????????

yes, it has to be be named index.html to work


Re: Intro has to be name index.html?????????????

By default, when a visitor uses your URL, the server looks for a file named "index.html" or "index.htm". If it finds either one it is sent to the visitor's browser. If not, it usually generates a error page of some kind. Some web hosts use other names, like "home.html", as default pages.

But your intoductory page is really just a HTML page like any other page. So, if you named it something other than "index.html" or "index.htm", you would have to specify it in your URL. For example, if the file was named "intro.html" to get to it directly, you might use "". This is a common way to test out new startup files, before you switch out the original index file.

Re: Re: Intro has to be name index.html?????????????

Depends on what you mean by "intro". If you mean your main page, the answer is yes.

If you mean something to annoy visitors with, you know the kind of garbage that says "Hah! Gotcha. My real page is elsewhere, click here to enter", you might do well to call it "WasteofTime.html".

Then, you could give friends you don't want to mess with your real URL, and people you don't want to come back the WoT URL.

Re: Intro has to be name index.html?????????????

Well actually you could have your intro on one server and your main pages on another both named index.html (just food for thought) before you say it's impossible.