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Intro Help

I cant get my intro to work without ruining my site becuase my site has a file called intro too and it needs that to work. What should i Do?

Re: Intro Help

Rename one of the files and all the associated links.

Re: Intro Help

What Im Confused can you explain that again?

Re: Intro Help

is there a way to create a intro without it named index.html?

Re: Intro Help

rename your main page ie the intro to index.htm it should still link ok to your main page index.html (i think) they will effectively be read by browswer as different files.

Hope helps

Re: Intro Help

Murray, I'm not sure about this but I think that the distinction between *.htm and *.html is browser specific, at any rate from past experience I've found that some browsers prioritize *.html, others dont.