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i cannot find my website on the net but i have already published it

hi i made my site today and so far its been easy... but for some reason it wont let me look at my site frmo another computer or anything. i have the already done the publishing thing can anyone please help me plz?

Browser: bdagooch,2

Re: i cannot find my website on the net but i have already published it

You appear to have uploaded a blank page.

What do you mean by publish? How did you create the page, what process did you go through to "publish" it.

Re: i cannot find my website on the net but i have already published it

i have a membership with bravenet and they have a publish to the internet button. it says all you need to do is click that and your set. anything i can do to fix this?

Browser: bdagooch,2

Re: i cannot find my website on the net but i have already published it

Brett, membership in Bravenet is only the first step in a chain of events that culminate in the publication of your website. If you would tell us what method you used to build your index page, we might be in a better position to help.