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Resorting Navigation & Font

After looking through the posts I am assuming you cannot rearrange the list of pages in the navigation panel, correct?

The font is quite small in the panel, can this be changed?
At the moment it is too small to read. If this cannot be changed then I will definately have to use another host for my site.


Browser: ,4

Re: Resorting Navigation & Font

Lisa, I notice that no one has given you a response so I'll try to help. I've looked at your code for your home page, the nav links are in the format of an unordered list. Re-arranging the order of the list would simply be a matter of opening the page in your editor and placing the nav links in the order you want them to be in. I think you're using a wizard, so I dont know what can be done with the fonts. My eyes are not great, and the fonts look perfectly fine to me. And your cakes look delicious!

Re: Resorting Navigation & Font

On second thought, Lisa, maybe you should wait for a response from someone more familiar with Wizards. I just realized that if you publish your site with a wizard, other issues are brought to fore when you attempt to make corrections in file manager/editor. Sorry.