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remote folder not created error

Okay, this is getting really frustrating. I've attempted to upload pages to my website using three different FTP programs, Pagemill, FileZilla, and one other and each one gets the same error, that error says that the folder / has not been created. However, obviously it is because I can upload using the FTP tool here at bravenet, but I don't like that tool.

I prefer to use a 3rd party application to build my site and would like to upload it using that app. as well. The bravenet software messes with the coding from my other app. and screws up my web pages, so it's imperative that I get another FTP program to work properly.

I have a hard time believing that 3 different apps all give the same message.

For those that wanna crack at the problem, I am using the correct username, and password, and host information. This has been verified by the tech rep responding to my trouble ticket. I believe that the problem lies in the path to my remote directory. I can connect to my FTP space, I just can't upload to it due to this incorrect pathing (remote folder) issue.

I'm also paying for the account, so it is a PRO subscription. I've seen a few others have experienced this problem as well. Hopefully it has been resolved. I've submitted a ticket, going on 3 days now and still no resolution. I'm going to give it a few more days and if it's not resolved, I'll have to cancel with bravenet and move back to my old hosting account. Hopefully, it won't come to that.

Any help would be appreciated. - Thanks.

Re: remote folder not created error

SJB, I'll take a crack at it. I had a similar problem when I first tried to use third-party FTP. I knew my target folder had been created because I could use BN's FTP with no problem. I was advised that BN and third-party FTP differ in the manner at which they access your target folder, and in order to successfully transfer with third-party, the target folder must be OPENED prior to attempting file transfer. Hope this helps...

Re: remote folder not created error

target folder being /, of course.

Re: remote folder not created error

Thanks a bunch, I'll give this a try. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Re: remote folder not created error

No go. I opened the folder, then opened FileZilla and tried to upload and got the same error:

Upload File Status
File: test.html, FILE NOT UPLOADED

Back to the drawing board. Thanks for responding, I appreciate it.

Re: remote folder not created error

Correction. It DID work! I think I misunderstood your directions at first. I had opened the folder using BN's utility, then tried to upload using MY application (FileZilla). However then it occurred to me that you probably meant to OPEN the root directory using the same application, and presto-majic-o, it worked! Thanks so much MacMac, your a life saver. And, you managed to accomplish what 4 days of trouble tickets couldn't.

Much appreciated.

Re: remote folder not created error

Glad to help. A regular forum contributor, "Peter", gave me that information.