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Domain Name Transfer

I recently transferred my domain over from Yahoo Business and everything seemed to go smoothly, I followed all the instructions - or thought I did. And now I can see all of the website information under my Bravenet login and Yahoo has confirmed my cancellation. But when I go to the website main page, it doesn't show ANY page now. My browser tells me that it can't FIND the page or the server is unavailable. I'm sorry, I am brand new to all of this. Before with Yahoo, I had a page that said something like "currently under construction" with Bravenet, do I have to upload a page similar to this while I am working on the main pages?? Or did I do something wrong with the transfer - and there should still be a page to go to right now? I hope I was specific enough with my question, I am currently "sharing" this site with someone else and I don't want to worry them when they TRY to go to the web page and its --- no longer available!! THANK YOU FOR your help in advance!!!

Re: Domain Name Transfer

I would assume you need create an "under construction" page. I know some other hosts provide this and have it parked at your domain name as soon you're up and operational, but I don't think I've seen that here. Just create a page that says your site is under construction, make sure it's named index.html and upload and then you should see it when you go to your site.