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email problems ones helping...

Ok, so I have my email setup with bravenet and its through Microsoft Outlook Express. The thing with bravenet said I had to change the POP3 server...but I cant find how to do that. When I go to sign on it automatically says POP3..and I cant find how to change it to Everything is set up I just cant send or recieve ANYTHING. Help!!!

Re: email problems ones helping...

I click onto the website address that you gave in this forum and the browser could not locate your webpage. Are you sure you have it uploaded now.

You should be able to hyperlink your email according to your email address. I use outlook and have been able to hyperlink the address.

Now however they are suggestion that you make a picture copy of the email address and put that into your web page so that these uitilities for the spam companies cannot use it to deliever spam mail.

How ever I am more concern with not being able to see your web page at all.

Re: email problems ones helping...

Well, I only use OE on our company intranet, and it's pointed to a Microsoft Exchange Server, but you should be able to access the email configurations from the menu under "Tools" --> "E-mail Accounts". When the E-mail Accounts window pops up, select whether you want to add an account, or view/edit your existing ones. If you already have a Pop3 account set up, you should be able to "change" the settings. If you don't, you should be able to add one with the "add" button.

I generally use Netscape for all of my Pop3 accounts, because it's easier to configure. I only use OE because my company standardized on it.

Re: email problems ones helping...

Martin - Thank you thank you thank you!!! finally i got it done...and it was so simple. Thank you!!!!!

Webspeak - I put in the wrong address it was Thank you for your help!

Re: email problems ones helping...

K...I problem has appeared. Now that the POP3 error message is gone...I get a new one..."The host 'SMTP' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: '', Server: 'SMTP', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D"

k...what the hell does that mean? I didn't change the SMTP cuz bravenet says "Bravenet does not provide SMTP servers. Use the SMTP server settings provided by your current Internet Provider. (The same ones you use to check your email now) Mail sent to you will be handled by Bravenet, mail you send out will be handled by your Internet Provider.

To have your outgoing email addressed from your Bravenet hosted Domain Name, set the 'reply-to' address in your email program to show the email address you want to use"

So from that I didn't think I had to change the SMTP settings...looks like I have to..but what exactly do I change it to?

Sorry I'm stupid at this