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Is Logic enough

I doubt I will live 10 years but I don't want my website to die with me. Logic suggest I can transfer my site to a daughter living a thousand miles away by giving her the user name and password. However having no technical knowledge or ability I would like confirmation from someone.

Re: Is Logic enough

Ron, I dont see any problem with that. Maybe someone else on the forum can write in if there is something I'm missing...

Re: Re: Is Logic enough

Bravenet is liable to close the account once their newsletters to the registered address start bouncing.

The registered email address will need to be changed to your daughter's address once you pass away if not before.

Re: Re: Re: Is Logic enough

Thanks for that - it should have been obvious to me. Now I need to know how to change address. This should be in the initial information as people change ISP's from time to time.