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PLZ HELP some1

Okay i need to kno how to make a link open into a new window and edit the new window. Like the new window hat u open is blank and u can edit that. I have free hosting. Be really helpful. The point is that i want the ppl who come to my site click the link and i write in a joke in pop up window. Also, visit my site at

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Re: PLZ HELP some1

There are several ways to do what you ask. I am going to tell the way I believe is the easiest.

This is what you do.

Make another webpage. You can create it in the file manager editor here at Bravenet or whatever you edited your other page in. Title it jokes or what ever.

Put a link to this page on your original website where you want your leaders to click on so that they can go into this page. The link should open into a separate window. It would be a good idea to create a link back to your original site by having something like back to home page here and they can click on that and go back to the homepage.

Re: PLZ HELP some1

OKay now i am kinda new to this.( i have the average knowledge) I havent used file manager yet so can u plz explain how to make a new webpage usign it???i went from members area, to website hosting and finally i clicked on file manager. DUNNO HOW IT WORKZ, PLZ REPLY AND IF U HAVE TIME PLEASE WRITE SOME OF THE OTHER WAYS, THEY MAY SEEM SIMPLER TO ME

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