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search for my website by search engines

My website is:

It's about a breed of dog called a Drever in Canada, where we live. When I "google" Drever dogs it doesn't show up in my come?

Re: search for my website by search engines

Well your URL is working. Which search engines are you supposed to be listed in? Have you submitted your site to any search engines. If so when? It takes time for your site to work its way in. Keep reading this message I think I found some things that might help you.

Nice site. Swear to goodness a Drever looks like another popular breed from the hound family. Oh yeah I remember now the beagle. They look very similar to a beagle.

While search for your site found this one that might be able to help you get more people to your site.

When you go there you will see what I mean.

Here are other sites that might help you get listed:

First I entered just Drever. You were not in the first page of the search on Yahoo.

I found over 2,000 listings for Drevers in Canada alone.

I put in your name according to your email and got your link to your geocities link.

I'll keep looking from time to time.

Re: search for my website by search engines

okay thanks.....I've just submited in the last few days so I'll wait a while. I did it through the search engine tool on bravenet plus a couple of others that friends have suggested...I'll look at those you suggested.

Re: search for my website by search engines

Just don't hold you breath waiting for your site to show up. Submitting your site does not get you on the search engine immediately. Submitting only puts your site on a list of sites that need to be indexed. When the search engine gets around to your site, you will start showing up. Most search engines tell you up front that this can take several months to forever. In the mean time, try to get your site linked on other sites, get your meta tags in order, and make sure you have lots of content.

Since your site is a Website Wizard creation, go into the Wizard and look for a link that says "website details". Follow that link and fill out all of the entry areas with meaningful data. These entry areas are used to create the tags in your web pages. These tags will be used by the search spiders. When you get done, publish your pages again.