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My website won't publish!!

Someone please help me!! I'm trying to publish my website, but this keeps coming up:

The Bravenet FTP server is not available at this time. Please try again later. (Authentication Failed for 2431129998/kimberly)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

Browser: Kimibabe8302,2

Re: My website won't publish!!

Are you using Internet Explorer? Or are you perhaps using AOL browser? Aol browser causes trouble accessing FTP access.
hope it helps.

Re: My website won't publish!!

oops, almost forgot, open Java Console, change security settings to medium.

Re: My website won't publish!!

Kim, you would be well advised to avoid posting your user-name and password where everyone in the world can see them. Just use **** instead

Re: My website won't publish!!

Kim go back and edit your comment, please. Take out the personal information.

Which editor did you use to edit your site? Are you unloading according to FTP or did you use another editor. Let us know please.

If you used the Bravenet editors you may not have saved the files. Go back and make sure the files are recorded in your editor first.