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Site editting problems

Was wondering if anyone else is having this probelm and if so, how to fix it. While I'm editing text on my site pages, after I save and then view that page, half the text is in bold.

I do not have the bold activated while I type it, the text does not show in bold in the editing page. And then the parts that are showing in bold in the editing page, I can't get them to unbold. I highlight the words, hit the bold button, but nothing happens.

I've alsow been having similar problems with the alignment buttons. They seem to work sometimes and then they don't.

One last problem: After I finish, then preview the page, some text has changed size.

All of these do not show up while I'm editing. I can type a sentence, using the same font, some size, no bold, then when I save and preview that page, parts of that same sentence are in bold, or have changed size. Not the entire sentence, just parts of it.

Any ideas as to what's causing this and how to fix it?? I've run out of ideas.

Re: Site editting problems

Try copy/paste from Editor to Block Notes. Go back to you website editor and delete absolutely everything in that problem area (this will take out the hidden formula for Bold etc)

Get the text how you want it in Block Notes (bold, font, colour etc)and then copy/paste it back into the Webpage.

What you see may not be what you get! You may have to re-tabulate a bit if you have something in list form (like prices) because lists go a bit out of sync. Don't use the Tab key for these little corrections - use space bar and delete keys. Also you may find funny things happen with the text size of the whole bock of text, but this is easily corrected back in Block Pad.

Browser: where do you find it? - I want to correct text size!