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Help Me Please ASAP I can answer any questions I just need help!

My site is I am trying to publish it, sorry I guess I am an idiot at this but it seems as though a lot of people have this same question and there should be some easy walk through directions for beginners. I am still confused as to what to do, I am using the file manager from bravenet to edit my page but as far as publishing it, I am stomped, is there some certain button that I am missing or what? Sorry but again, very new to this! I am using the free service, I need to get this site up and running today



Re: Help Me Please ASAP I can answer any questions I just need help!

I think you asked the same question in another group so Im going to paste the same answer here. Although it's real slow loading, I can see your web.

If you uploaded and edited your web site in the File Manager, your site is already published. The File manager does not require publishing. Publishing, within the confines of Bravenet is unique to the Website Wizard and should not be used if you are working from the File Manager.

The File Manager's editors operate directly on your web site files. When you make you changes and save your work, your changes are available to the internet immediately. If you are having trouble seeing your changes, your browser may be showing you old information. Try deleting your Temporary Internet Files and forcing a refresh (F5) of your browser.

Re: Help Me Please ASAP I can answer any questions I just need help!

Thanks the problem was my front page was not named as an index, once I did that it worked fine


Re: Help Me Please ASAP I can answer any questions I just need help!

Naming the first page is pretty uniform on most websites.