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urgent help needed.. CAN I BLOCK A USER/I.P FROM MY SITE?

Hey, thanks for reading this. It is really urgent. Does enyone know if I can block a certain i.p address from my website? If I can't do this..
Does anyone know how I can change the URL of the website?
Any help is appreciated!!

Re: urgent help needed.. CAN I BLOCK A USER/I.P FROM MY SITE?

What part of your site are you tryint to block them from?

If it is your guest book or chat room you can go back to these services and block them by reconfiguring the services. They have a part that allows you to block these addresses.

if a certain IP address is abusine your sitge you might also want to report it by ticket to Bravenet. It might be a good idea to tell them specifically what is going on.

Re: urgent help needed.. CAN I BLOCK A USER/I.P FROM MY SITE?

I'd like to block this person from my whole website. The person hasn't been harassing or anything, i just don't want the person to be on my website for other reasons..
thanks though. I think I figured out how to block her from my journal though, which is good.
Thanks for the help