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Problem with thumbnails

Hi! I'm trying to put together my website and I want post pics there. I want thumbnails, but nothing I'm doing so far is working. I would definitely appreciate some suggestions. Thanks.


Re: Problem with thumbnails

Make the photo thumbnail size and add them. I intend doing it but asked the question of how they are enlarged by visitors as I've seen on other sites. Haven't had an answer yet.

Re: Problem with thumbnails

You create a thumbnail by using some image/graphic editing software and creating a reduced size image, under a different name. It's usually a good idea to keep them all about the same relative size and pay attention to use the same reduction percentage for the vertical and horiontal. Otherwise your image will look stretched. Now you have two images, on full size (myimage.jpg) and one thumbnail (myimage_thumb.jpg). To then make them clickable, the simplest method is to just include them both in a link. As an example for the images mentioned above:

Assuming that both of the images are in the "MyPictures" folder, the above code will open up the picture. There are several other ways of doing it. You could use a Javascript command that opens the image in a small window, so that it doesn't disturb your web page. But try the simple link method first, just to get use to doing it.