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The first time I entered my file manager my files were all there. But after I clicked on a document to edit it, it was blank! Then I went to my file manager again and found my files were gone. Instead there are two folders one with the name: and another one with:

Can anybody explain why this is happening?


Re: Files...gone!!

I'm having the same thing except I have an extra folder called weird. I hope bravenet fixes this hack or what ever it is soon.

Re: Files...gone!!

Okay...Bravenet better get our files back. Not happy!!

Re: Files...gone!!

I'm having the same problem, but I have 4 files, including the two that they're talking about.

Re: Files...gone!!

I have the same problem. Evidently their file manager is FUBARed.

Re: Files...gone!!

Ditto where did they go i have a lot of important stuff in there ....(spammers i tell you) i better get it all back atleast my webiste is still workin

Re: Files...gone!!

ohhh god x_x this is happening to me to, wtf happenedddd x________x

Re: Files...gone!!

how do u contact bravenet whats there email ?

Re: Files...gone!!

bravenet already knows about the problem and they're fixing it right now, so i don't think there's any need to email them about it.

as for the bug, i dunno how it happened and why. it's scaring me though. 0.o

Re: Files...gone!!

Are files are still there, they are just hidden. My website is still up and running.