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change (embedded) pictures in a bravenet template?

I am trying to assist someone with their site
which is a bravenet template.
She wants to add her own logo to the left hand section of the screen where it shows: "your company here" with a tree.

Secondly, she wants to change the picture next to it (right side).

Thirdly, she wants to change the text in the top centre where it says "welcome to your new website".

Lastly, the word links on the left hand side also seem to be pictures, with a link superimposed on top.

In all 4 cases, they are all part of the template background and seem to be placed in tables of some sort. How does one change them and add a new picture over top? (as changing it also changes the surrounding area around it which eliminates some of the couloured/textured background).

i.e when I click on the visual editor, the tree/logo portion shows up in 2 sections or tables and when 1 is used to add a picture or her logo, it repplaces the whole box but the other table/box still remains.

What type of programming is this? I could learn it, if I knew!

Any help is much appreciated!


Re: change (embedded) pictures in a bravenet template?

Well I went to your website. Nothing is showing up there.

Yes you can change the pictures in the visual or text editor in the manage files editor. You have to give the editor time to completely load up. It takes time.

The text editor is where you will change any HTML.
That is if you want to do so.

In the visual side just click on the side or picture you want to change then go to the left hand side of the editor. You should see where you have uploaded your picture or logo there. You can insert it that way.

If this is an unclear explanation please come to WebSpeak's site and say you need more help either in the journal or by email.

Re: change (embedded) pictures in a bravenet template?

I can take care of all this using front page publishing. I just need the logo, etc to place it on the page