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more picture questions

OK, I have another question. I've figured out how to put photo's up on my photo center, but how do I put a photo on the actual page itself. Sorry if the question is not worded correctly.

Re: more picture questions

  1. Open a graphics program, and edit the images. All the images in your album are too large to be used on webpages. Don't even consider anything above 30 kilobytes.

  2. Upload the images to your site

  3. alternative text (everything in quotes must of course fit your photo)

Re: more picture questions

Corwings covered the warnings about big images and provided the correct method to make a direct link, but Leslie is using the Website Wizard and there is a utility for doing this.

If your Photo Center is on the same account as your web site, the Website Wizard content editors can see it. When you are in one of the content editors, position you cursor where you want your image to appear. Then click on the Image icon. This should pop up a window with a Photo Center tab at the top. Selecting the Photo Center tab should show you all the folders in your Photo Center. Nagigate to the correct folder and select the image. Then click on the "use this image" link at the bottom. The correct image tag will be created and you should see the image in the visual editor.

Beyond the physical size that Corwings mentioned, be careful of the image width and height. The Website Wizard keeps very careful control of the content areas. If a image is too wide for the content area it can cause the other content areas to change position or create scroll bars.