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I must be an idiot

I swear I must be a moron, here's the story. This site that is showing is a site that I have had for a year through I didn't like them b/c they were too expensive, not enough templates, and I couldn't place the pics they way that I wanted to, now here's my issue.... I have transferred it over to bravenet but in the meantime want to start building my site but I must be stupid b/c I am beyond confused with it. I want to use a different template, one of the pro templates and I can't figure that out, I also can't figure out how to make it look like a store like I have seen other people do. I don't know, I am usually good with computers, meanwhile I have sat online for many hours and days trying to get it the way I want and it's just not working out at all for me, I would really like to make my own logo and background and I feel so overwhelmed and confused with all of the options and the directions here. Can someone help me build my new site the help on bravenet isn't working maybe someone could explain it better?

Re: I must be an idiot

Okay I am emailing you some information about logos.

There are all different types of logos.

If you want help in designing one I am willing to help you with no strings attached. All free, unless you want a giff included in your logo. If you look at the logos I am emailing you you will notice that they have illustrations. These illustrations are free because they are not gifs. Just email me and tell me that is what you want to do.

I think I can put up my chat room and walk you through this. I only put up my chat room when I plan on using it. That way there are not a bunch of people wasting bandwidth for no purpose.

Or better yet upload a chat room to your site. It will help you get more traffic.

Now as for the pro template, since you are evidentally a paid for site this should not be a problem. Now you say you want it to look like a store like other people do. Please give some URL's so we have a common ground to discuss.

I can also help you with the background if you wish. So many backgrounds to chose from so little time to choose.

I will be glad to help you with your site! Just reply. If I do not respond then reply again to my email. Plus be sure and save my address in your address book.

Let's see what we can do together. Like I said my help is free. You see I am retired. I have an income and am starting my own business. So helping you will only help me.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Re: Re: I must be an idiot

Wow.. you seem like a nice guy. I am in need of your help, and it's too much or you don't feel comfortable with the concept then please do so, so that i won't waste any of your time.

I am starting a new website WWW.SuvJihad.Com. The website is intended to educate people about the Dangers of SUVS and the problems they create like Depedancy on foreign oil and higher insurance premiums. We are not eco-terrorits or nothing of that sort. We are true Patriots that want to make our country less dependant on foreign oil. Foreign oil supports terrorism, SUVS consume alot of gasoline...Hence the Name... SUVJihad..

I Currently have a few volunteers working several aspects of the site. I have a few writers and a young and idealistic webmaster (I Hope he stays around for a while, cause he is programming the **** thing on php and I have no knowledge of PHP).

Anywho, the reason im replying is that I Need a Logo. I Need Some thing that will move people and go ... Hmm he has a point.. Or maybe another way of going around it would be to have a very dark-comedic tone to it. I was Thinking of a Cartoonish SUV Rolled over with the words "Roll Over... Play Dead... That's a good boy" with the website addy underneath. Another Idea of mine was to have a Cartoonish Terrorist with a Black Hood (Not cartoonish middle eastern looking cause i dont be racist, but just a guy with a black sky mask and a AK-47 Filling up his SUV)

I Don't know something like that.. If you could help great if not then that's alright. Im planning to donate 50 of the profits that comes from the site to the Tsunami relief effort or the katrina relief effort, i dont know yet, im gonna ask the crew what they think.. and the rest im gonna distribute it to people who help write articles and do research on the subject......

Anyways, that's my plead
