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How can a swap pages about?

My home page is after my about page how can I swap them? In Detail!!

Browser: msn messenger

Re: How can a swap pages about?

You may think that it's you home page, but it's not. The file that is named "index.html" is you home page. When a visitor uses your URL, the server looks for a file named "index.html" or "index.htm". No matter what your navigation bar says, visitors are going to get your "Aboot" page. There is nothing available to switch your pages automatically, so if you want to switch the pages, move all the content and page name manually. You can probably use something like wordpad to hold your data between cuts and pastes.

Re: How can a swap pages about?

Rename the page you want to open index.html. Also be sure and check links. Then leave the other page just as is see if that works.

Most hosting prefers the home or interductory pages to be named index.

Although in my file manager my page actually appears just as index the actually address that appears in the address bar of the browswer is:
If you look at the actual page it does not affect the title of the webpage at all for the address to be thus.

Be sure to check out the link of your pages and make sure that the links work still. They should. If not you can relink them. This is a simple html matter. Which you can do with a click, copy and paste.