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Need help publishing website!!!

I have built my website using bravenet templates and have tried to publish it twice at different times with no success. My domaine was purchased more than a month ago but never got the bravenet e-mail explaining how to publish a website. can anyone help?

Re: Need help publishing website!!!

Are you registered with Bravenet or what? According to what you have said in your message you are. Let Bravenet know immediately. Get a ticket at the top of the page here. Be precise in what you say. Let them know now. They may not be aware of this problem. Give them all the information such as your email address etc. time of enrollment, Also the name of your website, etc. You should have got an email. You should be able to prove whether or not they emailed you through your ISP.

If you are registered with Bravenet and are not free then Bravenet needs to know what is going on. Go to the top of the page and get a ticket and tell them procisely the problem.

It sounds like you may not have logged in and uploaded your files.

You upload your files either through FTP, or one of the editors which you get to through the account manager.

You might want to read the information that "Sticky has put at the top of this page, read for both paid and free websites. Since you did not get any email I wonder if you are registered? Did you pay by check or credit card? Check and see if anything has been deducted. You can call your bank or credit card company for free to check that out.

Let us know how this turns out.

Re: Need help publishing website!!!

Thanks for your input. I have contacted Bravenet on this and they said my domain name was not properly configured. I can find my website now on the net but the pix and graphics don't come up on internet explorer but do show up when I use AOL. I'm trying to figure out this problem.