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What Is Best Hosting Package For A Singles Site?

I currently have a free hosting package. However, I am fed up with all the adverts, which detract from the look of my pages, and am contemplating upgrading to a proper domain package. However, before I do, I want to know which package would be my best bet for a singles site. I would also like to include Membership fee page, where Paypal accepts their payments.

I don't want to pay out too much, but then again, I want a good, reasonable site for my money.

By the way, I am a UK customer, so if you could give me an estimate in UK money, that would be great.


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Re: What Is Best Hosting Package For A Singles Site?

Umm! Depends. If you are going for a site with a lot of pictures you might want to get to the package with the most bandwidth. Pictures seem to take a lot of bandwidth.

Also you might want to consider how big a crowd you will be getting.

How much money are you willing to spend?