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Laurie needs help, AGAIN!

I have a couple of midi files i would like to upload to my website, for people who have not heard the music. I don't really want to shove it down their throats by putting it straight onto a webpage, is there anyway i can make the file a convienient link so they can listen to it when they want?


Thanks guys

Re: Laurie needs help, AGAIN!

Upload the file to your site editor then put the address in as you would for an ordinary link. Your public can click on the link and play the file.

Re: Laurie needs help, AGAIN!

I'm having problems getting an adress for the file, the file is from a free midi file site, i've tried downloading on to my computer and uploading via file manager. It dosen't want to work do i need to host the file myself?

Apologies for bieng a nusance