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why is there 6 inch's of space where I don't want it

I have been useing bravenet now for about 10 months. Since my second update with the website wizard I have always experienced problems with my updates in some way shape or form. sometimes my main content overlaps the side content. It all looks great in the editor, but when I update the post it will overlapp. I generaly reduce the size of the banner or Pic and that will take care of the overlap but the bigger problem is when I write my text. I like to put poems on my site. In order to make the lines the way I want I use the paragraph tag. Well when I click save changes it looks hidious. The poem will be about 8 inches lower than the pic. In other words the poem is there but you wouldn't know it unless you scrolled down about 8 inces. Where is all this extra space comeing from????? Any help would be appriciated.