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I need help

okay i just bought my premium package and i found the template i want to use but i have know idea how get it up i am complety lost if some one knows how to get this thing going please explain it to me thank you?

Mrs. Tina Sanders

Re: I need help

Tina, I'm no expert, but as far as I know there are three ways to build your website on Bravenet:

1. Use the Website Wizard
2. Use the template gallery and then edit the site using the file manager.
3. Upload site/webpages you've already created using a third party package like Microsoft's Frontpage.

Since it seems you have opted to use the template gallery (which is what I did) you need to select the template you want to use and select "add to favorites." Then go to "My favorites" and click on "manage this template."

From there you should be able to see how to build your site, but I think you may have to be familiar with some basic html if you are going to use this method as opposed to the Website Wizard.

Hope this helps some...


Re: I need help

me too and thanks!
