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And NOW MY *&%#@! website is gone!

What the heck is going on? I finally got into the file manager, and it says my files are all gone.

Is this what Bravenet is usually like? I've only been here for a couple of weeks, but this totally sucks.


Re: And NOW MY *&%#@! website is gone!

All still on-line. Probably a temporary glitch with File Manager.

Re: And NOW MY *&%#@! website is gone!

I agree, this site site is ****.all i've had is problems, you press 'save' and it jsut loses all your work. this is not on.

Re: And NOW MY *&%#@! website is gone!

Says your account is canceled. Did you comply within the limits of Bravenet?

Re: And NOW MY *&%#@! website is gone!

Oh, yes, I definitely complied. I kept copies of all the amazingly idiotic emails that came from the "support" folks, too. My previous computer suffered a software-induced harddrive failure, and I lost a lot of information, including my "username" number, used to sign into FTP.

I went in to update a file on my website, and when I signed in, Managing Hosting was not available for my website. Since no file management was available, I contacted the "support" folks and asked for my numeric username. They then proceeded to argue with me and try to tell me that I should sign on with a different username, that was from an old account inactive for over a year.

I explained this to them, and they steadfastly refused to understand that these were two different accounts and two different websites. I got a supervisor involved, and he was just as stupid as the Level I support person, except he was a little more arrogant.

Ultimately, I had to cancel the account myself, because I was unable to update it or edit anything about it. It was NOT because of non-compliance. It was totally because of non compos mentis on the part of the so-called support personnel as Bravehost.

What should I expect, however, from a free webhosting company? They have no real motivation for being truly supportive, it seems... either that, or no talent at it. I'm not sure which.