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What happens after ftp upload?

Hi! I am using the free site facilities by Bravenet.
I have uploaded all my files at the ftp page of the Bravenet free ftp applet and: I don't know what to do next!...Does that mean that my website is in effect now, or do I have to take another step? I am asking, because my bandwidth shows "0" and the index page doesn't appear when I punch the address in ?...

Re: What happens after ftp upload?

Well, what does appear when you punch in the address? And, what is the address?

When you upload your files to your web site, they are immediately available to the internet. When a visitor uses your URL, the server, by default, looks for a file named "index.html" or "index.htm". If it finds one, it is sent to the visitors browser. If not, you will usually get some kind of error message.

Bravenet does subtract the bandwidth you use during uploading, from your monthly allotment. As long as your "Today's Bandwidth Usage" and "Monthly Bandwidth Usage" numbers are low, there isn't any problem. If you exceed your daily allotment, your site will be shut off until midnight, when it gets a new daily allotment. Most users don't have any problem with this.