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Registering Website?

Our website is failing to laod when we type in the URL. A message just appears on the page saying:

"This URL is Not Currently in UseIt looks as though the URL that you are trying to access isn't registered. You may register this subdomain name and get website hosting FREE.
Register the subdomain name now!"

How do I register a subdomain?

Re: Registering Website?

In short, you do not have a website with that address.

Re: Registering Website?

You go through the whole sign up. This is how it goes:

Go to the home page of Click on the free hosting or what ever hosting you are considering. Go through the steps of registering. You will come to the part where it will check to see if your site name is already taken. If it isn't then you can use it. When you are finished registering and are successful you will get a message as to whether or not you are successful. Right now your site is not showing up on the net because for some reason or other it is not registered. You may have miskeyed the name when you were registering. Just re-register. If you still have trouble then get a ticket.