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Affifilate Program and Tell-A-Friend

I have tried to place the Affilate program, as well as Tell-A-Friend on my website.

I have a problem.

Can you help me.

Re: Affifilate Program and Tell-A-Friend

Wow, thats REAL specific! "I have a problem. Help me." That tells the helpful people around here EXACTLY what you need help with! Yowza! Im amazed at how specific you are in your inquiry!

Re: Affifilate Program and Tell-A-Friend

Well there are two ways that you can put tell-a-friend and the other program on the website:

1. By HTML code which you can copy directly then paste on the text editor's side of the editors.
2. You can just upload the file to your site.

Now go into the account manager. There you will find web tool add ons. Click on the web tools add ons. This takes you into the area where you need to go.

There you will find the icons that represents the different programs or tools you signed up on. Click one of the tools you want to use, like, "Tell A Friend".

If you already got the general setting were you want them then go to the "copy and paste code" part towards the bottom.

Just hit the "highlight and copy button". This automatically does what you want it to do as far as copying the code.

Now go to one of the editors that you were using. You wiil find this in the members section under account managerThis is were you are going to paste the code into the site.

You can use the wizard or the file manager. Click on the icon of the editor, wizard or file manager, that you prefer. Now go into the text editor part of the editor. You will see a lot of code. Put your new code by pasting in the page where you want it somewhere between

Now click over to the visual editor to see if this is where you want this to appear. If not, do not worry. You do not have to go back to the text editor. Just copy the buttons for your let's say "tell a friend" and paste it where you want it in the page on the visual side. That way you do not have to keep editing through the code side if you are not that familiar with the code. Initially, you just want to get it on the page through the text editor. The visual editor is better for precision. Now you can just copy the gifs on the visual side and put them any place on any page you want through the visual editor in both editors used by Bravenet. I believe this method can also be used for the affiliate program.

You can find out about HTML for free on the internet. It is not hard to learn. There are also other free courses on the internet. Let me know if you would like some of the addresses for these classes.

By the way let me know if this helps. I would also appreciate it if you would drop by my site and sign my guest book. Let me know what I can do to improve my site.

Please do not give up! People who are rude and try to put you down for not knowing something are just trying to cover up for their own ignorance.

The people that I have worked with in computing, etc. that are extremely knowledgeable are among the nicest people around.