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Changing page order

I would like to change the appearance order of my page tabs on the top of my website.

Would I do that in the File Management area? But how? I want them in a different order sequence ... right now they are in the order of when I created each page within the site.

Any advise?
Thank you.

Re: Changing page order

Even though you can see your web pages from the File Manager, changing them will have no effect on your Website Wizard data base. Changes can not be pushed up to the Website Wizard, so the next time you use the "publish" utility, your changes will be overwritten. Currently, there is no utility, in the Website Wizard Layouts (Blue Wizard), to change the order of the pages. The Website Wizard Themes (Red Wizard) does have this ability, but have a 7 page limitation. You already have more than that.

Re: Changing page order

Hola esta es una de las paginas mas padres q te pueden enseñar a como hacer una pagina web yo apenas la comensare y espero q les guste.


Re: Changing page order

Two things can be done.

You can re arrange the pages by relinking the pages or by going to the wizard.

In the wizard, you will find blue and red arrows by the edit content in the manage your website part in the wizard. If you want to the page to go up then press the arrow that points up beside or on the same line as that page you wish to move. Vice versa for down.

For the linking part go into the other editor. The easy way is to go the the visual editing part. Click on your directory links and then click on the icon for hyperlinks and type in the url of the page you wish to link that page to and so forth.

Remember to save in the wizard and publish if you decide to use the wizard. Also remember that any changes that were not made in the wizard may be lost.

Let me know how this turns out. Drop by my site please and sign the guest book. Let me know what I can do to improve it.
