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Hi all
i have a question and probably it is a very stupid one, but i'll take that risk
I've made a new index.html for my page, and i want to delete the old index.html, but i don't know if this is going to work because it happend a few times {with jpg and bmp files etc} that there already was 'such a file', so i couldn't upload it. I'm worried that this will also happen if i delete my old index and upload my new index, and that my page will be gone then :S
Could this happen? or can i change the index without any problems?

Thnx in advance!!

Grtz Maria

Re: Index

What are you using to upload your new "index.html" page? Or is it already on your site, under a different name?

Most FTP programs will recognize that there is already a file with that name and prompt you to overwrite, however some automated uploaders may be set up to simply fail the transfer. I use Internet Explorer, in the FTP mode, to move files back and forth between my PC and my web sites. IE always prompts me with a overwrite popup, if there is something already there. Moving files is just a simple click-and-drag operation. This also make it real easy to rename files.

The simplest thing to do is, first use the File Manager to rename the old "index.html" to something like "index_old.html". Then upload your new "index.html" file. If the new one is already on your site, but under a different name, just use the rename feature. You then still have the old one around for moving content or restoring at a later date.

Re: Index

Hi Martin, thnx for you reply!

I have the free version of webhosting and i use IE 6 and i upload the files through the Filemanager of bravenet.
The old index is still in my Filemanager and the new index is on my pc harddisc.
I've renamed the old index, and then uploaded the new index, but it said "could not upload the file. there may be a file with the same name as the one you uploaded" but the new index has another name than the old one :/ overwriting is not a option cause it just doesn't overwrite.
At first i wanted to delete the old index, and then upload the new index, but i'm afraid that again it will say "could not upload the file" and then i have a problem.. cause my old one is gone, and it doesn't accept the new one :/ {is this possible?}

So the simple way didn't work.. is there another way?

Grtz Maria

Re: Index

You may want to try uploading your files with the FTP Applet. I think they call it the "upload tool" now. It's a little slow starting up, but it usually works ok.

I just tried deleting/moving/renaming files in two of my own accounts and had no problem using the File Manager. This may be saying that there is something wrong with your account and needs fixing by Bravenet. If the FTP Applet (upload tool) doesn't let you move the files, follow the Bravenet Service Center link at the top of every posting, and open a trouble ticket with Bravenet.

Re: Index

Hey Martin, i've uploaded my new index with the FTP Applet and it worked !
Thnx for mentioning the FTP Applet, cause i didn't thought about using this option.. hehe duh

So i'd guess there's nothing wrong with my account, it all worked out and probably *i* am the one that needs to get some more experience with webhosting

Thnx Martin!

Grtz Maria