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How to add a new page

I would just like to know how to add a new page or edit an exsiting page. And please answer soon because I have noticed that some posts still havent been replied to yet.

Browser: ,3

Re: How to add a new page

Bravenet provides two totally different on-line editors and lets you use any of the hundreds of PC based editor on the market.

Tell us what you are using and somebody can give instructions.

Re: How to add a new page

I am looking 4 answer to this...can someone help???

Re: How to add a new page

hello well i've been trying to get my guest book to knet could you please help me so my visiters could sign it,

Re: How to add a new page

when u log on, go to Manage Hosting, then Website Wizards, then Edit Page or New Page. its a simple as that.


Re: How to add a new page

Thank you for your help. I finally got it.

Browser: ,3

Re: How to add a new page

How do you get the link to go to the new page??? the little fingers up or hand up that lets you know you can click on it to get to it??

Browser: mermom