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guestbook error

I am having problems with my guestbook. Can anyone help me and tell me why the page is showing what it is.

Re: guestbook error

Do something about the colour contrast between text and background. I know my screen is particularly poor on rendering pastels but I couldn't read most of the text.

You appear to be trying to point a sub domain at the guestbook. It is impossible to say what you are doing wrong as I don't have access to your account with the company managing your domain.

The short term solution is to use the actual address of the guest boook. In the medium term check with your name host on how to set up that sub domain.

Re: guestbook error

Susan, after checking your site I would say that the appearance of your guestbook is the least of your worries. None of your images, including your bg, are properly identified as to path (e.g. you are using a "c" drive designation), so they are not visible. Begin by editing your image file paths.

Re: guestbook error

Dear Susan,

You need to upload your images to the site. You can do that by one of the Bravenet editors.

The font color should be rendered so that it shows up better on the site.

Go back to where you originally designed the guestbook and make sure that you did everything you should do. You should be able to do this in the editor that you used to originally make it.

I signed your guest book but there does not seem to be any record of this yet. You may have to go back and approve of what was entered before it is put into the guest book. You can do that through "Bravenet".