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length of page - how do i control?

i originally set up home, page two and page three
[just for slightly different look on each]

when i put draft copy on home "ran over" and prints as two pages.

is there a formula to calculate page size to fit
8 1/2 x 11 inch paper?

or........a way to continue "excess" copy on another page?

open for ideas! sarah

Browser: zenagainandagain,2

Re: length of page - how do i control?

Page size depends on too many unknowns such as the visitor;s screen resolution.

A page will be as long as it takes to display what you put on it. If you want it shorter, remove some content.

Re: length of page - how do i control?

Peter - thanks for the answer...guess a LOT of editing is needed!

Browser: zenagainandagain,2

Re: length of page - how do i control?

Sarah johnson,,can u tell me how u added 2nd. & third page??? I ahve been asking 4 help since friday,,nobody helped me yet.someone told me to use "save as",, did not work,,OTHER said it was easy & straight another page,,,GOD knows where I can find that...LOOKED 4 many hrs.still cannot find it. Can u help me sarah??