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mini poll:

mini poll doesn't show in "services" - how do i get it there?


i changed poll answers several times, and saved info, but when i view service, it still shows old answers

suggestions, anyone? THANKS sarah

Browser: zenagainandagain

Re: mini poll:

If you change the answers again and if there are more stages after it go through all of those until you get to publish website, that should work!
Hope I have been of some help!

Re: mini poll:


The minipoll does act a little strange. I just tried it and saw the same thing as you did. I found that the only way to get it to update properly is to exit the mini poll service manager, and then go back in. Then everything updates properly.

I also tried looking at it from a web page. If you change anything in the mini poll, the changes show up in the web page, even though the changes don't show up properly in the mini poll service manager.


This is just FYI, but the "Publish Website" operation is unique to the Website Wizard and is not involved in managing the other services. For many of the services you need to insert the service code into your web pages. Then you would need to use the Wizard's editors and it's "publish" utility, so that it appears on your web site. But once the service code is inserted, managment of the service is performed in the service managers.