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Help! The page can only be seen under preview mood~

I've uploaded something and under the preview mood it seemed very normal but after i finished all these things and click the link,nothing appeared!!the only thing you can see is " the page you search can not be found" ~~~how could it be this ???

Anyone had such experience,please ~~~help me ~~


Re: Help! The page can only be seen under preview mood~

take a look carefully to all of your tags. Maybe there is the problem, but it's sound like you are using a program to design webpages or something is wrong in your links address. For example if you have a link in your index page to your picture seccion your link have to be writing it in this way:
>a href="pictures.html">My pictures>/a< Other thing is you have to be sure all of your pages have .htm or .html writing after every name of them. PD. The address I used to give you an example have the tags inverted.

Re: Help! The page can only be seen under preview mood~


You need to provide a little more information. You uploaded something, what? You used the preview mode, what editor? What links are you talking about? I only see a Website Wizard Theme with 4 pages, and all those page links work.

Re: Help! The page can only be seen under preview mood~

hey I've found where the problem is~There's nothing wrong with my homepage ~and i 've done what you said~all i need is just a proxy server for my contry's internet server has hided some web site so when i click the link i only fine a "web not exists"~Thank you all the same~
