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Hey guys. Im a woman in desperate need of some advice. I uploaded a picture that i wanted displayed on my main page and i publish the site and all that but it doesnt show.....its the only prob;em i have everything else works.

Re: Pictures

No need to cross post.

Re: Pictures

well done peter for helping her, i have had no end of problems with my pics, allowed me to show 1, tri4ed to replace it for qanother and nothing but problems. Seems this site is a pile of cack but like the way you helped the lady with your childishness you sad geek.......anyway grow up and help people a little and you may make some friends you dork

Re: Pictures

i looked at you page and not sure if you have the coding in. I see the picture gwrender-004-page.jpg and a small gif named dragon. if they are the one you are refering to then try to clear cache in your browser. If it is another one then I dont see the language in the html document to support it. Try right clicking with your mouse and view source and that will display the code on your page maybe it differs from the one you believed you had uploaded

Browser: ,3

Re: Pictures

try taking the image of ur site and checking its details. the image mite hav been renamed so the computer got confused. if it doesnt work dont blame me im only 12! (Y im guessin ull never no)


Re: Pictures

OK, the part in your editors for Bravenet, where it says to upload files. Upload the picture from whatever drive you have it stored on onto the web file for your Bravenet web site. Then when you go into editing you can select the picture from the files that you uploaded from your computer etc.

Let me know if this is not clear enough. You can visit my site and let me know through the comment page or my email address there.

I would appreciate you signing the guestbook on this site too, please.

If you cannot figure out what I said about the pictures do not feel bad sometimes I am not to clear.

I can take screen shots of what I am talking about. By the way, I tried your site. There was a beautiful big picture that loaded down from my Internet Explorer browser.

Were you using Foxfire? Sometimes Foxfire has difficulty interpreting pictures and webpages. They just do not show up like intended or like in other browsers.

Let me know which browser you used.