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Bravenet Support Ticket System Ignores Problems!

I established a support ticket JULY 2nd and have received the odd reply (only when I initiate the email) indicating 'they are working on it'...or 'they will call me'...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....this is now AUGUST 14th and I have NEVER YET received a solution or a phone call....I wonder how long one has to wait? The 'support system' only enables them to completely ignore those problems they DO NOT or DON'T WANT TO deal with!! Useless!!

Bravenet Support Ticket System Never Ignores Problems!

Most likely Bravenet have replied and the email advising you of the reply got lost on its way to you. As you never followed up they probably assumed that the problem was resolved. Bravenet have never to my knowledge ever ignored any problems or stopped working on them until a resolution was obtained. They do occassionally offer solutions that you may decide not to implement but that is then your decision to abandon the situation, not theirs.

Re: Bravenet Support Ticket System Ignores Problems!

I have posted a ticket early friday,NO answer yet.I have posted 1 before got answer with-in 24 hrs.I am still looking 4 help trying to add more pages.OR connect to second,third etc.SOME have answered me.I still cannot do it.I am a NEWBIE BUT be darn if I get what they r telling me.I have tried all they have said.<> still not working.

Re: Bravenet Support Ticket System Ignores Problems!

Oh please!...don't patronize me...emails have not been 'lost' as you suggest...they just send emails when I ask saying things like.... 'we're working on it'...or....'we will phone you'...since July 2nd!!! Either they don't know how to resolve and don't want to admit it...or...they don't have a phone! Either way....there's no excuse for making a customer wait over 6 WEEKS for a solution!!!!!!

Re: Bravenet Support Ticket System Ignores Problems!

Oh and another thing...who said anything about 'abandoning the situation'? I've kept 'adding' to my support ticket on a regular basis yet they reply each time 'several days' later stating 'we're working on it'...or...'we will phone you'. The last reply was over a week ago....seems to me Bravenet is the one who has 'abandoned' the situation!!

Re: Bravenet Support Ticket System Ignores Problems!

Have you told Bravenet of your problem. Open up another ticket. Tell them that you received no reply to the previous ticket and then restate the problem.

Maybe there was an error somewhere in the email address or something.

I have used the ticket and always got a reply.

Re: Re: Bravenet Support Ticket System Ignores Problems!

A couple of points - not necessarily relevant to the original post

Emails do sometimes get lost in transit and over enthusiuastic setting of spam filters can zap responses.

If the auto response to the original posting never arrives then that will be down to the customer's email

Always check tickets on-line if there seems to be a problem as messages can go astray.

Bravenet do seem to be slack about keeping customers informed when the problem is outside of their control and they need input or action from a third party. Where the issue is entirely under their own control I have always found responses to be prompt and effective.

Re: Bravenet Support Ticket System Ignores Problems!

WELL I am still waiting,not so patient anymore.I want to finish this site sometime soon.STILL waiting 4 someone to help me add pages to my site.I did mostly all they have told me so far,,,still not getting it OR it is working & I don't see it.(second page is what I am looking 4...I need 2 add many more. Do U???

Re: Re: Bravenet Support Ticket System Ignores Problems!

Sorry, why should Bravenet be doing that? It is down to you to learn how to design and compose web pages just like it is down to you to learn to drive before you buy a car.

Re: Bravenet Support Ticket System Ignores Problems!

Boy some of us are rather 'harsh' with newbies on this forum......some support! I guess some of us forget we were there once.

Re: Bravenet Support Ticket System Ignores Problems!

That is true Dr.who!!!!