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It doesnt show!!!

Ive uploaded everithing and when i go to the page in
I only see the publicity and a blank page, why?

Re: It doesnt show!!!

PS: Ive put the index.html page and all that, please help. All help will realy be apreciated...

Re: It doesnt show!!!

Jaime, I checked your source code-- it appears that your are trying to use framesets, and as I understand it frames are not to be used on free-hosted websites.

Re: It doesnt show!!!

Dmt! all the work i put in to them... (im a beginer and every little thin is realy dificult to do).
Thaxs for answering, ill get to work on it right away... when I figure out how. xD

"Under the sword lifted high There is hell making you tremble: But go ahead, And you have the land of bliss. - Miyamoto Musahshi"

